OtherLife is a 2017 Australian science fiction thriller film directed by Ben C. Lucas. It stars Jessica De Gouw as the co-founder of Otherlife where they develop a form of biological virtual reality. When her partner, played by T. J. Power, insists she license it for unethical use, she struggles to retain control of her invention with the help of her lover, played by Thomas Cocquerel.
The film is loosely based on the novel Solitaire by Kelley Eskridge.
PocketCasts: https://pca.st/P48L
RSS: https://pinecast.com/feed/spacebrains
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=378213&refid=stpr
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/space-brains/id1454659823
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4AGDPcwBvCCvR1z4ABArqM
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