Oblivion is a 2013 American post-apocalyptic action-adventure film co-produced and directed by Joseph Kosinski, and produced by Peter Chernin with screenplay by Karl Gajdusek and Michael deBruyn, starring Tom Cruise in the main role alongside Olga Kurylenko, Morgan Freeman and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in supporting roles. Oblivion, based on Kosinski’s unpublished graphic novel of the same name, pays homage to 1970s science fiction films.Oblivion is a 2013 American post-apocalyptic action-adventure film co-produced and directed by Joseph Kosinski, and produced by Peter Chernin with screenplay by Karl Gajdusek and Michael deBruyn, starring Tom Cruise in the main role alongside Olga Kurylenko, Morgan Freeman and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in supporting roles. Oblivion, based on Kosinski’s unpublished graphic novel of the same name,[5][6][7] pays homage to 1970s science fiction films.
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